Does this coffee make my butt look big

Located three blocks from the warm sands of the Oceanside [CA] beach, I find myself conveniently perched with a coffee in hand breathing fresh life into my blog. Laughably so, I once again write about my ever-persistent pursuit of weight loss and how I tragically find failure.

But not today, satan, not today.

Continue reading “Does this coffee make my butt look big”

One month without the apps

If reviewing the most recent posts on this blog (which are too few and far in between, you’d notice a general thematic element: my oblivious self-hate towards myself, mixed in with a lack of will power to evoke change. However, there was a change that was made within the last month or two that I’m sure will make you (the reader … I assume you’re reading this) would never believe: I removed the single most frustrating, unnerving and emotionally complicating app(s) on my phone: dating apps.  Continue reading “One month without the apps”

Revitalizing the spirit

After several weeks of record-high stress, I now find myself comfortably in southern California (with coffee in hand, of course) on vacation. While I might have broken my own oath of not responding to a work crisis, I am relatively removed from whatever is happening some-thousand miles away. Even in the short amount of time (say 6 hours) from “un-connecting,” I can feel my body slowly doing something unusual: relaxing. Continue reading “Revitalizing the spirit”

On the subject of making money

MAKING MONEY is not something easily done when essentially rebooting your career or coming out of a private, liberal arts college with over $40,000 in debt. Though, since going into my first career as an English teacher, I decided that I wanted to be more contentious about my spending. That idea was great and all, but completely impossible since I lived paycheck to paycheck (and actually lost money from the job). Since then — and a whole career change later — I have rebooted my plans to pay off my now remaining $31,000 loan in 2.5 years.

How will I do this?

Continue reading “On the subject of making money”

Happy New Year [2016]

LETS START WITH AN APOLOGY // Sorry for not posting for forever. The last time I wrote was in October and it was all about fitness – well, precisely lack there of. I detailed plan for overcoming my trepidations. Guess what — it didn’t happen. Well, it worked for like a week then stopped.

The problem was not my plan, but rather how I went about that plan. Which leads me into talking about New Years.

Continue reading “Happy New Year [2016]”